Education & Formation

Learning and growing in faith is a lifelong adventure.  For this purpose, a range of educational opportunities occur throughout the year. These programs not only deepen our knowledge of Scripture and Christianity, they also shape and form our faith and our exploration of who God has created us to be and of our relationship with God, who loves and forgives us.  You are warmly invited to join us!
Bible & Book Studies
On most Sunday mornings, a Book Study, Bible Study, or Thematic Study is held from 9:00 to 9:45 AM on the lower level of the church.
– Barbara Brown Taylor’s An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith was the focus of study through Winter/Spring 2021. A second group of parishioners also participated in a self-study/journaling opportunity to work through Me and White Supremacy: A 28-Day Challenge to Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor by Layla Saad.
– Past studies have included a year-long focus on The Bible: Reading God’s Diary, based on Roger Ferlo’s Opening the Bible, the Revised Edition of A. B. Rhodes and W. Eugene March’s The Mighty Acts of God, and Kenneth Davis’ Don’t Know Much About the Bible.
– Prior to that the Sunday morning Book Group has read Bruce Longenecker’s fictional The Lost Letters of Pergamum: A Story from the New Testament World; A Generous Community: Being the Church in a New Missionary Age by C. Andrew Doyle, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas; Walk in Love, Episcopal Beliefs & Practices, by Episcopal priests Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson Strobe; and Abraham Heschel’s The Sabbath.
During the Lenten Season, the Vicar leads an evening program in conjunction with a simple meal.
Becoming an Episcopalian
Adults new to our church are invited to formally affiliate with the Episcopal Church.  If you have never been baptized, we are delighted to offer that sacrament; please speak with the Priest-in-Charge.  If you have never been confirmed, you may prepare for confirmation as an adult or older teen.  If you come from a church where you have already been confirmed by a bishop, you can be received into the Episcopal Church.  Preparation for baptism, confirmation, and reception occurs periodically.
Education for Ministry (EfM)
Advance registration required.  Through weekly meetings (Sept – May), this four-year course provides participants with an overview of the entire sweep of the Christian tradition, from the earliest period to the present.
School of Ministry 
Application required.  The School of Ministry is a collaborative approach to the formation of lay ministers and deacons in the Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky. This two-year course of study, based at All Saints Center (Leitchfield, KY), provides those seeking a better understanding of the many ways of doing ministry in the Church and the world a way to discern their gifts and carry out their ministry.  The School of Ministry is supported financially by the Diocese of Kentucky, contributions, and tuition.